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 NEPL Season 23 starts in just a few days!  (first location plays on 1/5/20)


You can join and be part of the fun in three easy steps:


Register –

Pay –

Play –


If you are planning to participate but have not yet done so, you can register at link above  By registering for league, you will be included in the weekly Sunday morning emails filled with NEPL news and your personal league progress. 


League dues are still just $30 for the 8-session season and free for first time league participants.  You must pay your dues by January 18th to be eligible for finals.  

Anyone competing at least 5 weeks in Seasons 21, 22, or 23 will earn an entry for the new Stern Pro pinball machine raffle occurring at Finals of NEPL Season 23.  Bonus entries are awarded for competing in multiple seasons.

You can compete at any one of 20 locations throughout New England each week starting Sunday, January 5th.  Finals will be at the Western MA Pinball Club the weekend of March 14th.

Please take a moment to review the NEPL Handbook


Hope to see you for NEPL Season 23!!

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